GV Youth is a community of empowered youth students loving God, loving others, and doing something about it.
GV Youth Weekends
Duuring 9am, 11am, & 5pm Service Times – Jr. High Service
Before and after 9am, 11am, & 5pm Services – High School connect room
GV Kids weekly weekend services are focused on growing families closer to God and one another. We offer a Jr. High Service and a High School room to connect every weekend.
Jr High Service is in conjunction with the main service of GV Christian Center. While the adults are hearing a message in service, Jr High Service the 6th to 8th grade students are hearing about the same topic, but in a way they can better understand. Toward the end of the service they go in to a small groups where there ask questions to help apply what they heard to their lives.
The High School room is opened for our Sunday Services at 9am, 11am, & 5pm. It’s open 30 minutes before and after service. We join service with the adults and we encourage all our high schoolers to sit with us in our section but if they’d rather sit with their parents they are more than welcome to do so.

GV Youth Calendar

Parent Resources
Connect with other parents
Parenting isn’t easy, so don’t do it alone. Life Groups are intended to help you connect with God and others. Parenting specific Life Groups teach practical tools from God’s word and surround you with parents to walk alongside you!
Parent Facebook Page
Connect with other parents, gain parenting resources, and see what’s going on for students of all ages in the NextGen Parent Connection Facebook page.